Here’s another voucher from OnePus.
This time it’s a 50$ discount for a OnePlus Two.
Code: GL52-582E-20FF-84F6
First come, first serve!
Here’s another voucher from OnePus.
This time it’s a 50$ discount for a OnePlus Two.
Code: GL52-582E-20FF-84F6
First come, first serve!
Hi Guys,
I received another code, this time for the OnePlus X.
Claim this invite at
Use as the email address
First come, first served
In case somebody needs an invite for a OnePlus 2.
They can only be used once, first come, first served:)
This is what happened.
Jan Martens, my cousin arrived in Los Angeles.
Because it was a long trip for him as well,
we planned on having a relaxed day.
First we went to my workplace,
so they could meet my colleagues and see where I work.
But from the moment we entered the floor,
Jan wanted to fight me.
After he won fighting with the Rock ’em Sock ’em Robots,
they found other things to play with, a soccer table, the game room, a ping pong table, …
But they had the most fun,
spinning around in the lounge chairs.
After they met everybody,
it was time to chill at the beach.
Went to the LA fitness and dropped my iPhone and now it has a cracked screen as a result.
I searched for a Screen repair in the neighborhood on Yelp.
But because all the reviews were different, per Repair center, I couldn’t decide where I needed to go.
So I thought about waiting until I was back in Belgium and bring it to IHEAL.
But then I wanted to download an app, but I couldn’t, because it didn’t have enough capacity.
So it was time for a new one and went to the Apple Store in Santa Monica.
Such a beautiful store!!
Even at 9PM you can follow some free sessions.
That night it was a video editing session
But it wasn’t interesting, so i went to an Apple “genius”, to get an Iphone 6.
After wandering around, I went home, synced it and “play” with it.
There we go.
Up and running.
After syncing it and installing some extra apps, it still has enough capacity for extra’s.
Lovin it!
Problems solved.
The battery of my phone died on the way to the Air + Style event.
And that was a problem because:
– I had to use my phone as a GPS, because I didn’t know the direction to get to the event.
– It was my only way communicate with the people I was going to meet at the event.
– I didn’t know how to get home, after the event.
So I had to get a backup solution, for the next time.
This is what I eventually bought:
Backup charger with build in lightning- and micro USB cable.
So I could charge my phone everywhere or in case of emergency.
And a Car charger
Like all Americans, I bought it all on Amazon for a quick delivery.
You can select what ever you want, deliver today, deliver tomorrow and so on.
I wasn’t in a hurry so I selected the normal delivery option.
But one day later FedEx arrived, with my order.