Joshua Tree National Park

We decided on going to Joshua Tree Park.

To get to the park,
was around 2 and half hour.

When we were driving towards it,
we didn’t planned anything there.

So we were free to explorer it, on the go.

First we made a stop at the visitor center,
to check-out all the possible view points.

Map of Joshua Tree National Park
Map of Joshua Tree National Park

We decided on viewing as much as possible,
so we chose to visit all the things with the shortest walk.

When we entered the park,
we entered a desert again.

The view
The view

We saw a sort of mountain,
created with all kind of different sizes of rocks.

To have a nice view,
we decided to climb it.

Jan choose to take the mountain on the left,
and Marlise and I the one on the right.

Ready to climb the mountain
Ready to climb the mountain

It was a harder climb then we initial thought

On the mountain
On the mountain

It was worth it,
because we had a nice overview over the desert.

The scenery
The scenery

We took a lot of pictures,
of the surroundings and of each other.

Jan on the rocks
Jan on the rocks


Jan on the rocks
Jan on the rocks


Marlise taking some pictures
Marlise taking some pictures


Chilling on the rocks
Chilling on the rocks


Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park

After marlise climbed down,
Jan climbed to the same mountain as me.

In the meantime Marlise took some pictures of us.

Standing on the rocks
Standing on the rocks


Posing on the mountain
Posing on the mountain


Jan checking out the map
Jan checking out the map

After our ‘photoshoot’ was done,
we climbed down and started driving again,
towards the dam.

Climbing down
Climbing down


Coming down from the rocks
Coming down from the rocks


Jan chilling in the car
Jan chilling in the car


Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park


Driving in Joshua Tree National Park
Driving in Joshua Tree National Park

Our next stop was a dam.
The walk to get there was around 2 Miles.

Walking around in Joshua Tree National Park
Walking around in Joshua Tree National Park

From one side it had a rock feeling.



Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park


Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park


Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park

Here’s a picture of the dam,
but it contained almost no water.

Because that was one of the only places with water,
there was some animal life.

But they disappear as soon,
as they heard people arriving.


The dam
The dam

If you walk the other way back to the parking,
it had the feeling of a desert park.

Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park


The iconic Joshua tree
The iconic Joshua tree


Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park


The iconic Joshua tree
The iconic Joshua tree

After we saw most of that viewpoint,

we planned on going to a cactus viewpoint.

Driving in Joshua Tree National Park
Driving in Joshua Tree National Park


Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park


Driving in Joshua Tree National Park
Driving in Joshua Tree National Park


Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park


Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park


Driving in Joshua Tree National Park
Driving in Joshua Tree National Park


The iconic Joshua tree
The iconic Joshua tree


Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park

When we arrived at the cactus viewpoint,

Walking between the cactuses
Walking between the cactuses



We had a beautiful view over the scenery.

Walking in Joshua Tree National Park
Walking in Joshua Tree National Park

The sun was setting.



Sunset in Joshua Tree National Park
Sunset in Joshua Tree National Park

They were a special kind of cactus,
who loses a lot of funny balls.


Because the cactus park was located at the end of the park,

We chose to take the highway back to LA,
instead of driving through the park again.

Because there are no lights in the park and from the moment it gets dark,
you have to drive extremely slow in the parks,
because the wildlife comes out and walks over the street.

But before we left the park,
I took a picture the sun set.

Sunset of Joshua Tree National Park
Sunset of Joshua Tree National Park

After that it was time to drive back to Los Angeles


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