Let’s start blogging again

I know it has been a while that I posted something on my blog,
but I’ve been so busy the last couple of months.

I finished my internship, had some exams, finished some other tasks, gone on some beautiful trips.
I’ve been to Corsica, Dubai, South Africa, Zimbabwe/Victoria falls, Botswana/Okavango delta and many more. I will talk about those trips through “throwback” posts. So I could post from now on and keep the blog back up-to-date.


The same for my USA trip, I will update those posts later on and talk about all the things I have done while I was there, through throwback posts.


Another big step I’ve made in the meantime is that I started working again. Since the end of September I’ve become the new business development manager of the Benelux team of Adsimilis. (part of DQNA Media Group). I’ll say more about that in another post.


DQNA Media Group


I will start by posting the things what I’m doing in real time, and later when I have found some additional time, I will update all the things I have done in the past. Otherwise I will keep on delaying posting posts, because I’ve haven’t found the time to update the “bigger” posts ☺.


Thanks in advance for reading my blog and I hope you enjoy it.

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